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Steve Turner
Profile Updated:February 20, 2010
Residing In:
lincoln, NE USA
leann marie turner
Just started working for Warren Buffet,,,,,, BNSF
We have 2 really interesting projects, both seem to be doing well despite having parents. Jameson just More…graduated UNL in business and Lauren (LA) is working to get out of jail, er UNL with her degrees. Who knew going to school could be a career! But i guess if your having to much fun it might be better than a job.
I believe the story that Jerry Gleim tells is somewhat accurate but perhaps the names have been changed to protect the guilty.
What did you always want to do that you haven’t done yet?
Give back to the sport of skiing on a volunteer basis in retirement.
Places you want to go?
Hong Kong, China, and Leann says she sees space travel in my future?????
What's the farthest you've been from home?
Favorite Music:
Can you believe the technology available for us today! Pandoras Box, Utube, Vevo. Try VEVO and put in Swimming in Champagne by Eric Heatherly , at our age I hope we all are.
Favorite Movies:
I'll get back to ya on this one
Favorite TV Shows:
this goes back aways but ,,,, the GONG SHOW . Cop Rock, and now 2 1/2 men
Favorite Quote:
Be careful who you give advise to, wise men don't need it and fools won't heed it.