Greg Shaw
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Jay Albert....a memory....
When I was in 6th or 7th grade I decided (well, my mom decided) that I should try a bowling league since I liked to bowl. They put me on a team and Jay Albert was on it. He was clearly one of the most skilled among the four of us. He had style. He loved the game and he was a damn good bowler. As I recall, his ball came in from the side with a slashing style that caused a lot of pin action.....and as those pins jangled around, his body would contort with a dance of pleasure. I was not such a good bowler, but I recall that he was always encouraging to me. And, get this, our team won the league tournament and I got a HUGE trophy for it. I think Jay's mom worked at Parkway Lanes. Anyway, Jay was a real posiitve guy and nice to me, an average bowler.
Greg Shaw