School Story:
So many fond memories of my 1 year as an AFS exchange student at LSE High. Learned to eat hot dogs, burgers and apple pie.
I want to say thank you to the whole class of 1970 for making me feel at home and enjoy my year as one of you - A true Knight.
So many stories to fill volumes....Everyone always had a smile for me...hope you are still smiling....Great times with Greg Chase, Kathy Abrams, Laura Boretti, Greg and Lisa Nicklas,Tina Adams, Janie Tinstman, Jim Graul, Don Van Horn, Bill Bennett, Deb Hoy, Ann Nordstrom, Sue Hitz, Peggy Rutledge, Debra Jochum, Jordan Kominsky, Bob McIntyre. Sadie Hawkins, Senior Prom, football games, Graduation...skipping for lunch with Greg Chase and the gang....Oh!!! there was the time when I was driving Greg Chase's car ( I was not allowed to drive as an AFS student)... we were on a dirt road outside Lincoln ....we were having fun for a while until we saw the LSE High Principal coming from the opposite direction. We both took a dive under the dashboard with the car moving over 50 MPH ...but thanks to my "professional driving", we made it...The Lord looks out for fools sometimes.